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Have questions about Riotous Youth Shakespeare? Want to hang out and nerd out about Shakespeare with us?

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Riotous Youth Shakespeare is a nascent collective of performers, activists, and educators. We aim to make good on centuries of claims that Shakespeare tells "universal stories" by building radical inclusion and personal relevance into how we teach his work. Join us on a journey of breathing dramaturgy into literary analysis, and studying Shakespeare by making theatre - the reason he wrote at all. We believe in respectful irreverence, in fun, and we have no patience for the racist and elitist politics that have wheedled their way into old Bill's work. Find your place in an actual universal story, make your place among the Riotous Youth.

The team so far is Scott Emerson Moyle and Coco Lee.

Scott Emerson Moyle is a Toronto-based actor, producer, director, and apprentice intimacy choreographer with Intimacy Directors International. Scott has been making site-specific immersive Shakespeare with his company Dauntless City Theatre (formerly Urban Bard) since 2009. Scott thinks that the classics are the perfect blank slate for progressive and radically inclusive work. To Riotous Youth, Scott brings decades of experience in classical theatre, belief that the experience doesn't make him the expert, and a dedication to fighting oppression through art and community.

Coco Lee is a student of linguistics and anti-oppressive education. She brings a judgement-free perspective on sociolinguistics and language acquisition to her non-academic love of theatre and the performing arts. Having no patience for Shakespeare and his fellow "classics" in the Ontario curriculum, Coco believes that Riotous Youth can take the classics back and make them truly universal. Coco completed an M.A. in French Linguistics, followed by a Master of Teaching degree at OISE. She currently teaches French part-time at an independent school in Toronto with a commitment to feminist pedagogy. She wants to keep room in her schedule for working with Riotous Youth Shakespeare, developing the program into a robust practice for radically inclusive English and Drama classes.

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